WEEKLY REVIEW  |  October 5, 2017



What the Twitter 280 means for us.

Twitter recently announced that it is increasing the character count of tweets to 280. That means Twitter wars between #DListActor and #RealityShowLoser just got twice as long and presidential tweets just got twice as embarrassing. But more importantly, it means #PattonOswald280. [Character count: 280]

What’s next? Google in your pants?

The fabric of our lives just got a whole lot hipper. Levi’s newest jacket was made with bike commuters in mind…and with connected yarn by Google. The cuff of the Commuter Trucker Jacket is woven with special yarn that turns into a touchscreen. A small detachable tag containing a wireless radio, battery, and a processor pairs with your phone via an app. Once connected, the app asks you to define a few gestures (tap, swipe, wiggle) and off you go. So far the primary features are navigation and alerts. And of course, it is still a jacket, so there’s that whole keeping you warm feature.


Swarovski trip

“It’s not the most glamorous way to look at VR, but it is a great example of where innovation and strategy can align to create real value.” Mastercard and Swarovski have a ways to go before making the VR headset appear glamorous, but they’ve certainly added to the experience. More than just a tour of a showroom, this experience includes the opportunity to complete a purchase of, say, a $2,000 crystal bowl. Sadly, not accepting virtual payments.

I see ya, Ikea.

Not sure how that Björksnäs will look next to the La-Z-Boy? There’s an app for that. Tap on Ikea Place, an augmented reality app that lets you see how Ikea furniture fits in your space and within your aesthetic. Apple’s AR technology is behind the experience.


Miniatures are big: How “Tiny Hamster Eating Tiny Burritos” saved a digital agency from closing its doors.

More than just a fascination or hobby, today little things are big business. A $40M museum dedicated to miniature scenes just opened in Times Square. “Miniacs” and their wee creations appear all over Etsy, Instagram, and Pinterest. This article in The Cut takes you on a tour of the tiny, complete with a recipe for mini-doughnuts, a short (ahem) historical timeline, and a tale of how Tiny Hamster pretty much helped a digital agency keep up its morale—and business.

Feels like home.

If you’ve ever wanted a polished gold model of Fresno, here’s your chance. Considering itself more of a lab than an agency, the reputable design firm HUSH—with clients Under Armour, Google, and New York Times—has fun experimenting with its own curiosity. TopoTopo is an open-source platform created to explore and play with data on the earth’s topography. Just enter any location on earth, select your setting options, and then either save the image, download the 3D model, or route it to Shapeways. Is that Pittsburgh in your pocket?


The power to help

Nearly 97% of Puerto Rico is still without electricity, and its power grid is likely months beyond repair. The devastation has cast a light on those who care and can help, Tesla being among them. The company is sending and installing hundreds of its Powerwall batteries, which can be paired with solar panels in order to help store electricity as they work to restore the grid. Several power banks have arrived and more are on their way.


Instant nostalgia

Risky Business, Back to the Future, E.T., Star Wars, Blade Runner, Indiana Jones, Rambo, The Goonies. The common element here is Drew Struzan, movie poster artist. Check out the documentary Drew: The Man Behind the Poster and watch luminaries such as George Lucas and Guillermo Del Toro laud Struzan as one of the greatest artists of all time. Even Spielberg was nervous that his movie wouldn’t live up to the poster. Good stuff. Find it on YouTube or Amazon.

“If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.”

Bruce Barton