Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, Firewoodians! You may question why a firm represented by so many brilliant women—many of whom are working mothers—asked an almost middle-aged guy to write a Mother’s Day post. I know I did. But then I realized I had a perspective on parenting that few men share: I was a stay-at-home dad for seven years. And, at the very least, writing this post is one less thing a Firewood mom had to do this week.

I do not presume to speak for moms—and hopefully this post won’t come off as yet more mansplainery—but navigating the transition into parenthood during my time as a SAHD (worst acronym ever) was…a challenge. I needed resources to help me quantify and better articulate the value of the “unpaid work” of parenting. For what it’s worth, I thought I’d share three things that helped me gain some perspective on parenting and how much moms do every day.

1) Salary.com’s “Mom salary” survey. Each year Salary.com polls 15,000 mothers to understand what “their most time-consuming jobs are and how much time per week they spend” on them. Some would say that putting a dollar figure on the work of parenting isn’t possible. That may be true, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable exercise. Especially when you can rattle off some numbers over a cocktail after the kids are in bed. Last year that figure for working moms was $90,223—for the 59 hours they put in above and beyond their “regular job.”

2) The concept of ”kin keeping.” I confess, this is where I fall down. My wife is an accomplished professional with a demanding career and yet has always been, without question, the kin keeper in our family. It is a huge job that often goes unnoticed until the moment something is missed—a partner’s parents’ anniversary, show-and-tell day at school. And it’s not just moms, but women in general who do the lion’s share of kin keeping. The article validates what women already know: “Most people don’t associate sending anniversary cards, lining up dentist appointments or organizing after-work gatherings with work. But it is.” (Added bonus: you can imagine this piece being read in the accent of my favorite fictional working mom-to-be, Chief Gunderson from Fargo.)

Needless to say, it’s not easy. Parenting is the most hilarious, relentless ass kicking you’ll ever love. It’s the fast track to enlightenment through enforced humility. It also compels you to fundamentally re-evaluate how you use your time. All of it. And I’m not making this up. When the working moms of Firewood were asked if their approach to work had changed since becoming a mom, or if there was anything about being a mom that made them better at their work, what was the number one answer? Prioritization.

The skills required of working moms means they must become triage experts in every part of daily life. It’s the reality of momdom. However, it all comes down to realizing that no one can—or should—do it all. Which is why I try to remember to practice:

3) Good enough parenting. Long before becoming a parent, I did some child development and psychology work. Needless to say, there were concepts whose value only became truly clear after I became a parent. One of those things is the crucial ability to, as one Firewood mom put it, “let go of the little things I can’t control.” Although this idea has been around for some time, it seems like it’s all the more crucial in 2017.

These concepts and strategies did help me make some sense of the lunacy of parenting. But ultimately, when I returned to a full-time role, I wanted to be part of a supportive, progressive organization that understood and valued working parents. To me, one of the things that makes Firewood Firewood is the fact that a couple of working parents run the joint, and I have so many talented, even-keeled working parents as colleagues.

Happy Mother’s Day, Firewood moms! I will raise a glass to you all (after we put our kids to bed Sunday night)!


[metaslider id=2584]


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  3. nimabi

    Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks. nimabi

  4. linetogel

    Hebat blog ini! 🌟 Saya suka banget bagaimana penulisannya memberikan pemahaman yang baik dalam topik yang dibahas. 👌 Artikelnya menyajikan hiburan dan edukasi sekaligus. 📖 Tiap artikel membuat saya lebih penasaran untuk melihat artikel lainnya. Teruskan karya hebat



  1. My view from Brooklyn | Firewood Marketing - […] two kids later and headlong into juggling work and parenting—“the most hilarious, relentless ass kicking [I’ll] ever love”—I’m grateful…
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  7. mengobati kutil kelamin pada pria - mengobati kutil kelamin pada pria Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
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  9. obat - obat herbal penyakit hpv Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  10. obat daging tumbuh di kelamin - obat daging tumbuh di kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  11. hpv - obat hpv untuk wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  12. obat - obat jengger ayam pada kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  13. wasir - sebab wasir Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting…
  14. apa obat ambeien - apa obat ambeien Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  15. kenapa - kenapa saat duduk sakit Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  16. kutil - menyembuhkan kutil kelamin secara alami Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  17. ambeien - sebab ambeien Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting…
  18. gejala awal penyakit wasir - gejala awal penyakit wasir Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  19. kelamin - obat kutil kelamin di bekasi Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  20. obat kutil di kemaluan - obat kutil di kemaluan Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  21. mengobati - mengobati kutil kelamin dengan cuka Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  22. obat - obat ambeien untuk ibu hamil 9 bulan Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that…
  23. ibu - obat ambeien utk ibu menyusui Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  24. apakah - apakah kutil kelamin bisa disembuhkan Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  25. akibat kondiloma akuminata - akibat kondiloma akuminata Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  26. sembuh - biaya pengobatan laser kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  27. biaya - biaya pengobatan kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  28. menghilangkan - cara menghilangkan daging yang tumbuh Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  29. menghilangkan - cara menghilangkan kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  30. cara - cara menghilangkan jengger ayam pada Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  31. kondiloma - cara pengobatan kondiloma Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  32. kelamin - kutil kelamin pada lelaki Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  33. apotik - obat kutil kemaluan di apotik Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  34. ampuh - obat kutil kelamin paling ampuh Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  35. pengobatan - cara pengobatan kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  36. ambeien - ambeien kucing Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting…
  37. ambeien itu - ambeien itu Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting…
  38. pada - obat alami kutil kelamin pada wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  39. kutil - obat gejala kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  40. hpv - obat hpv di apotik Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  41. m - obat kutil kelamin m Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  42. obat - obat kimia untuk kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  43. di - obat kutil kelamin di apotik terdekat Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  44. obat - obat kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  45. kelamin - kelamin#https://goo.gl/P2mqsR Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and…
  46. obat - obat#https://goo.gl/D62gif Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and…
  47. didaerah - kutil didaerah kemaluan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  48. kelamin - obat kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  49. harga - harga obat kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  50. penyakit - apa yang dimaksud penyakit jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  51. ada daging tumbuh di anus - ada daging tumbuh di anus Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  52. kelamin - cara efektif menghilangkan kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  53. sekitar - cara menghilangkan kutil di sekitar Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  54. kelamin - cara mengobati kutil di kelamin wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  55. di - cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  56. kelamin - cara menyembuhkan kutil kelamin pria Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  57. mengobati - cara mengobati kutil kelamin tradisional Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  58. cara - cara menyembuhkan kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  59. sakit - ciri ciri sakit kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  60. ciri kutil hpv - ciri kutil hpv Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  61. ciri - ciri penyakit hpv Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  62. kutil - gejala-gejala kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  63. wasir - obat ambeien wasir untuk ibu hamil Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  64. ambeien - obat ambeien wasir oles Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  65. hamil - obat ambeien yang aman untuk ibu hamil Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that…
  66. yang - mengobati penyakit jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  67. benjolan - obat benjolan di kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  68. jengger - obat kutil jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  69. kondiloma - obat kondiloma untuk ibu hamil Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  70. obat hpv di apotik - obat hpv di apotik Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  71. china - obat kondiloma akuminata itu apa Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  72. kemaluan - obat kutil di kemaluan wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  73. obat kutil di kelamin wanita - obat kutil di kelamin wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  74. di - obat kutil kelamin di malaysia Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  75. yah - obat kutil kelamin itu apa yah Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  76. kelamin - obat kutil kelamin pada pria Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  77. obat - obat kutil kelamin semarang Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  78. untuk - obat medis untuk kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  79. obat - obat kutil kelamin yang di jual di Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that…
  80. ikan - obat mata ikan jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  81. wanita - kelamin#https://goo.gl/Xa99jR Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting and…
  82. kulit - obat kutil di kulit kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  83. kutil - pengobatan kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  84. obat penghilang kutil kelamin - obat penghilang kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  85. obat - apa nama obat kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  86. apa itu penyakit kondiloma akuminata - apa itu penyakit kondiloma akuminata Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  87. biaya operasi buang kutil - biaya operasi buang kutil Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  88. pada - cara menghilangkan kutil pada kemaluan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  89. di - cara mengobati daging tumbuh di anus Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  90. menghilangkan - cara menghilangkan kutil di alat Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  91. kutil - cara menyembuhkan kutil pada kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  92. ayam - cara menghilangkan penyakit jengger Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  93. pria - ciri ciri virus hpv pada pria Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  94. sipilis - sebab penyakit sipilis Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  95. di - ciri kutil di kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  96. ciri - ciri ciri penyakit hpv pada pria Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  97. bagian - daging tumbuh di bagian anus Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  98. ciri - ciri kutil di kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  99. aman - obat ambeien yang aman untuk ibu hamil Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that…
  100. wanita - daging tumbuh di kelamin wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  101. jengger - obat kutil atau jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  102. obat alami kutil kelamin - obat alami kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  103. apa - obat wasir itu apa Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  104. menyembuhkan - menyembuhkan penyakit hpv Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  105. jengger - obat alami kondiloma akuminata Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  106. kutil - obat jamur kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  107. dokter - obat kutil kelamin ala dokter Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  108. obat hpv pada wanita - obat hpv pada wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  109. kutil - obat kutil kelamin apotik Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  110. obat - obat kutil di lubang anus Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  111. pria - obat kutil kelamin pria tradisional Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  112. tersedia - obat kutil kelamin yang tersedia di Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  113. penyakit - obat mata ikan jengger ayam Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  114. condyloma - obat oral condyloma Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  115. kutil - obat kutil kelamin jogja Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  116. kutil - obat kutil kelamin sendiri Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  117. kutil - obat kutil kemaluan wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  118. kutil - obat kutil kulit kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  119. selangkangan - obat penghilang kutil di selangkangan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  120. obat manjur jengger ayam - obat manjur jengger ayam Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  121. pria - obat tradisional kutil kelamin pada pria Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  122. kutil - cara penyembuhan kutil di kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  123. cara mengobati penyakit kondiloma - cara mengobati penyakit kondiloma Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  124. kutil - ciri ciri gejala kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  125. penyakit - ciri ciri penyakit kondiloma akuminata Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  126. cara penyebab kutil kelamin - cara penyebab kutil kelamin Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  127. ciri - ciri kutil kelamin wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  128. ciri - ciri terinfeksi hpv Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique,…
  129. kemaluan - daging tumbuh di daerah kemaluan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  130. atas - daging tumbuh di atas anus Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  131. sekitar - daging tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you…
  132. foto kutil kelamin pada wanita - foto kutil kelamin pada wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  133. untuk - obat kutil untuk kelamin pria Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  134. sekitar - daging tumbuh sekitar kemaluan Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  135. obat - obat kutil kemaluan alami Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  136. obat kutil kelamin wanita - obat kutil kelamin wanita Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  137. untuk - obat rumahan untuk kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  138. di - daging tumbuh di kemaluan wanita Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  139. kutil - obat tradisional buat kutil kelamin Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  140. obat ambeien bagus - Obat Ambeyen Yang Paling Bagus Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  141. obat ambeien yang manjur - obat paling manjur untuk ambeien Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  142. Obat Sakit Ambeien - Obat Penyakit Ambeien Herbal Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  143. Ampuh - Obat Herbal Untuk Ambeien Berdarah Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  144. Penyakit - Obat Salep Ambeien Di Apotik Hallo i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe.…
  145. Cara Cepat Mengobati Penyakit Wasir - Cara Cepat Mengobati Wasir Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  146. Obat Penyakit Ambeien - Apa Obat Penyakit Ambeien Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very…
  147. Ambeien Adalah - Ambeien Adalah Hai i particularly like about the picture / article / presentation that you describe. Very unique, interesting…

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