The Smell of the Ice

The Smell of the Ice

The smell of the ice. Loving what you do. There’s a movie from the ’90s—The Cutting Edge—which my adolescent self watched more times than I can count from behind the counter of my parents’ video store in Portland. I watched everything standing behind that counter...

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Adventures in Recruiting

Adventures in Recruiting

How I Got Into Recruiting: The Adventure Begins My adventure in recruiting started 16 years ago when I decided to switch fields. I became a candidate for a recruiter position and, naturally, I had to go through the interview process before being the one on the other...

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OOO Spotlight: Yogi Bella Bottini

OOO Spotlight: Yogi Bella Bottini

Early in my career, my director stated that working in events was listed as the third most stressful job that year. At the time, it was too early for me to have an opinion about it—however, it didn’t take too long for me to build one. I was travelling about 10–15...

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